GCU Card Approvals
GCU reviews all submitted cards for sale to the public. This is to assure that each cards meet technical, grammar, spelling, categorization, reuse, legal, and related rules. GCU has a 100% satisfaction guarantee so it is important that all cards for sale are error-free. We have also found that shoppers do not return to shop if they encounter products with errors in them. Please do your part to create cards that are error-free.
- After you submit a card - Once your card is submitted it is placed in a queue to be reviewed. The GCU review team is small and it can take on average 2 weeks for the card to be reviewed, however during peak periods it can exceed 4 weeks. Some days over 1000 cards are submitted and so the backlog can be substantial. Be patient. You will receive an email after your card is reviewed. If you have met all the design and categorization criteria, your card will be approved and immediately placed in your store. If you need to make modifications, or if your card is declined, information about this will be provided in the email to you from the review team.
- Resubmitting - It is common for the review team to find an issue with some of the cards you upload. A description of what requires correcting is provided in the reviewer's email to you. The reviewers' notes can also be found with the card in your manage cards page - list view. Turn-around time for resubmitted cards is usually less than 24 hours. If you have questions about a particular card that you are asked to resubmit, respond back to the reviewer using the original email sent to you.
- Card Status - In your manage card area, under list view, the status of each card is shown under the card's Product ID number. The Status is listed as either:
- Approved - a card that has completed the review process and is not in your public gallery
- Pending-Fast Track - a submitted card that was submitted with the Fast Track checkbox checked
- Pending-held - a card that has been reviewed but not yet approved. Usually the reviewer needs to either get a second opinion or is verifying it against the terms and conditions, such as for copyright issues.
- Pending-Resubmitted - a card that previously was Returned for Edits that the artist fixed and then resubmitted
- Private - cards approved and in your Private Gallery
- Private/No Review - a private card that was submitted with the waive-review checkbox checked.
- Declined - A card that did not satisfy the image quality requirements or that is in violation of the image terms and conditions. See Terms & Conditions.
- Returned for Edits - a card that the review team found needed something changed on it, such as a typo
- Series Concept Review - Artists who make series of cards (like age specific, relationship specific, etc.) have long suffered the horrible experience of uploading 100+ cards, only to have each and every one of them Returned for Edits or Declined. We realize how frustrating this can be to have invested all the time up front, wait the weeks and weeks for review all to no avail.
Now you can submit ONE sample card in the proposed series and Fast Track it. You must state in the Notes to Reviewer why you’re Fast Tracking the card (ie: “Sample of proposed series of like images (different relations), please review and let me know if I can proceed”). By doing this, you save yourself and the review team loads of time and grief.
If the sample is Returned for Edits, make your changes and resubmit as usual (it will automatically resubmit as FastTrack). If it’s declined, go back to the drawing board.
But if it’s approved, feel free to submit the rest of the series INCLUDING a Note to Reviewers sharing something like, “Part of image series based on pre- approved concept PID# 123456 on 8/12/13.” Be absolutely certain to include the PID# and approval date of the approved sample, otherwise you’re back to square one.
Important Note: after your 1 concept card is approved the balance of the collection should be submitted business as usual, NOT FastTrack.
Lastly please note that this is not a blanket approval for all derivative submissions but for the basic image and concept. All other standards still apply to each submission. FULL DISCUSSION [Link]
Star Submitter (SS) Status - Card Review Team will nominate artists whose quality of work and consistency in applying GCU guidelines, virtually error free card submissions. SS artists should also embody a positive attitude and influence on the GCU artist community, showing respect for fellow artists, administrators, review staff and GCU in general. If the GCU agrees, ALL new card submissions by that artist (with the exception of Private – Waive Review cards) will automatically be flagged for expedient FastTrack-like reviews.
When awarded this coveted status artists will receive a congratulatory email. You can also see your Star Submitter status here in Global Preferences.
If you don't achieve Star Submitter status don’t despair as there is no penalty. Your reviews will remain business as usual. If you have Star Submitter aspirations we suggest you scour and live by the Wiki, Forum and GCU Community Blog and use great care and pay attention to detail when you plan, create and submit your cards.
TIP: - Because of the review cycle, design cards targeted for occasion and holidays several months in advance, such as finishing your Christmas cards in August. This provides time for these new cards to be approved and adequate time for search engines like Google and Yahoo to be able to index them. Don't wait to the last minute.
Nothing drives shoppers away quicker than cards with errors in them. We review every card as a final check before it is approved for sale. What must be emphasized is that this is not a check to find errors artists are smart enough not to make! These include:
1. BLEED AREA and CENTERING - use the template!
2. SPELLING/TYPOs - no excuses right? Check your typing and use the spellchecker for the inside verse!
3. GRAMMAR - if you are not sure, solicit help from family and friends. Reviewers are not here to correct your grammar.
4. PUNCTUATION - plenty of resources online to get it right before you submit.
5. CATEGORIES - select the ones you know are appropriate and that you can rightly use.
6. RIGHTS - don't submit cards that contain art and/or verses that you do not have the legal right to sell
Cards with errors will be returned for edits if the errors are detected. Please double-check your work before you submit each and every card.
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